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The dichotomy of being

September 25, 2011

Evening all.

Been pondering a few things over the last day or so. Namely how I’m such a diverse (Complicated?) personality.. This all started when I went to the football yesterday. Sean me, and some friends of his went up to Wigan to watch Tottenham Vs Wigan. During the match I screamed and shouted and generally abused the population of wigan along with 3,000 other travelling supporters As I have always done). In my minds eye this is all light hearted fun and definitely not meant in a threatening manner. In fact I spend most of the time in tears of laughter at the terrace humour. Now, during one such rendition of a particularly rousing Tottenham anthem, I caught site of a female steward looking at me in absolute disgust. I’d like to add the song we were singing was “Oh when the Spurs go marching in” This: not exactly the most hateful of songs! anyway, I realised I was dressed in jeans and a t- shirt with my cropped hair and tattoo’s this steward obviously thought I was a complete hooligan. This got me thinking about people’s perceptions of me. Am I seen in the light of thuggish tattooed moron? or the family man who cries over his baby whilst ironing his shirts, writes poetry and is there for his friends? Does the fact I can bake a cake whilst knowing with no uncertainty I would protect those nearest and dearest to me  from harm with extreme prejudice? Or the man who wants to be a Reiki master? Am I the only person like this? am I a schizophrenic?? Or am I just a bit more rounded? Obviously, this is something that I haven’t been dwelling on too much in the past, but it’s an intriguing thought though.

Anyway, onto the knowledge. I have had a very successful re-entry back into my runs (even venturing out in the rain last week!!) and am now once again progressing nicely. I’m a tad off course for my predicted December finish of the runs, but hey, it’s not a sprint…

A small Frankie update. She’s doing well and getting bigger which is all I can ask for. Here’s a couple of pictures: And people may wonder why I’m smiling a lot lately!

Oh, and Mark, if you’re reading this we haven’t forgotten the draft and promise it will be back with you before the end of the week!





















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  1. Of course I’m reading this- and I’m not worried. I trust you both to read and digest and give me the much needed feedback and corrections in due time.
    As for your dichotomy- (multichotomy?)I can kind of identify with some of your thoughts. I would not want to be a monotony, but sometimes wonder which part of me I am, and which part of me people see. As for you I see many (all?) of those personalities and love the bundle they come in!
    AS for Frankie – I can see why you is smiling -love the glasses- go girl!!!!

  2. Thanks for the reply mate. Yep, she’s definitely inherited my sense of style!!

    Currently getting windows fitted here, luckily the sun is out and it’s baking! I’ll blog some pictures tomorrow

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